Google teamed up with Asus to launch the Nexus 7, a mini Android tablet - today, I'm still holding out hope for a Pixel ...
近期,NVIDIA与联发科之间的合作关系再度升级,据业内消息透露,双方正携手推进两大创新项目:一款面向PC市场的AI芯片以及一款针对智能手机领域的AI芯片,旨在在这两大关键市场中占据一席之地。 在PC领域,这款即将推出的AI ...
在PC领域,NVIDIA与联发科的合作AI PC芯片预计将采用台积电3nm制程和Arm架构,结合联发科在定制芯片领域的专长与NVIDIA强大的图形计算能力,有望在2025年台北国际电脑展期间发布。
If you’re looking to surprise the man in your life with something unique and practical this Valentine’s Day, we’ve got you covered.
It seems likely the Nintendo Switch 2 will cost the same as or more than the Nintendo Switch OLED, which is currently priced at £309.99. Analysts who spoke to IGN predict a price of around $400 (£330) ...
任天堂公司近日正式宣布,备受期待的NintendoSwitch2专场直面会将于北京时间2025年4月2日晚21时举行。在这场活动中,任天堂将向全球玩家透露更多关于Switch2的详细信息,包括设计、游戏阵容和售价等核心内容,为即将 ...
Gamers worldwide are eagerly awaiting the launch of Nintendo’s next generation handheld console. The model in question is the Switch 2, which is a true successor to the massively successful Nintendo ...
Fans interested in getting up close with the Nintendo Switch 2 were able to register for Nintendo’s free draw, but it closed on 26 January. If you didn’t get picked, you can join the waiting list. The ...
黄仁勋过年很忙。 从1月15日到1月21日,为了参加英伟达公司年会,黄仁勋先后辗转深圳、北京、中国台湾和上海。 这并不新鲜。去年春节前,黄仁勋也曾到访这几座城市。之所以说这次有所不同,是因为这次围绕在黄仁勋的不再是智能汽车、AI算力这样老生常谈的话题 ...
任天堂已正式确认,NintendoSwitch2专场直面会将于北京时间4月2日晚21时盛大举行。此次活动将向全球玩家深入揭秘Switch2的诸多细节,包括其创新设计、强大的游戏阵容以及备受关注的售价信息。自初代Switch发布以来, ...
Nintendo now has a landing page for Switch 2 Direct. You might not find it convenient to watch live, though. Nintendo says the stream will begin at 6 a.m. PDT on April 2. That’s 10 p.m. in Nintendo’s ...
You would work on creating regression plans for code as well as functional coverage closure. You would perform pre-silicon validation activities such as XPROP simulations and GLS.