The National Public Health Organization (EODY) has issued guidelines to protect citizens from African dust, a recurring ...
Health authorities in Greece have issued a warning advising vulnerable groups to take precautions as Sahara dust storms, high temperatures and humidity are expected to affect air quality and create ...
By the time evacuation warnings come, you may not have a lot of time to think. That's why it pays to prepare in advance.
Boston.com readers said the pandemic remains an ever-present threat to public health, despite much of society having moved on.
兰州晚报讯 甘肃省气象服务中心、甘肃省疾控中心3月10日18时发布甘肃省健康气象风险提示:受大风沙尘天气影响,预计3月10日20时至11日20时,河西五市及兰州、白银、临夏、定西、平凉、庆阳等地空气中颗粒物浓度增多,特别是酒泉东部、武威北部有沙尘暴天气。 沙尘天气下,污染物可直接对人体产生不同程度的刺激症状或过敏反应,沙尘颗粒还可引起多种呼吸系统疾患。3月11日,甘肃省疾控中心发布健康提示,提醒公 ...
Hantavirus’s role in the recent tragic death of the actor Gene Hackman and his wife provides an opportunity to educate the ...
3月10日开始,今年首场沙尘天气影响北方多地,新疆、内蒙古等局地遭遇沙尘暴,空气质量一度爆表。山东省气象台首席预报员侯淑梅介绍,受此影响,鲁西北、鲁中和鲁南地区出现了浮尘或者扬沙天气。“从今天(3 月 12 日)夜间开始,本轮的浮尘、扬沙天气会逐渐减弱至结束。” ...
中央气象台 3月11日6时发布沙尘暴黄色预警 预计3月11日8时至12日8时 新疆南部、内蒙古中西部、山东北部等地 有扬沙或浮尘天气 其中内蒙古中西部的部分地区有沙尘暴 山东省气象台预计 11日夜间 鲁西北地区的聊城、德州、滨州、东营等地 局部有浮尘 12日 鲁西北地区的聊城、德州、滨州、东营 和鲁中地区的济南、泰安、淄博、潍坊 有浮尘或扬沙 山东省环境空气质量形势预报显示,11-13日,湿度较大 ...
The Ministry of Environment said air quality across Taiwan will remain poor until Thursday morning due to unfavorable atmospheric conditions. On Monday, easterly winds weakened wind speeds on the ...