Less famous than the Acropolis of Mycenae or the Palace of Nestor, the archaeological site of Peristeria with its perfectly preserved vaulted tombs and precious gold findings, bears witness to life ...
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The Mycenaean Greeks had a rich and powerful civilization which thrived in the Bronze Age. However, what was the extent of their trade relations around the Mediterranean? How far did they actually go, ...
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While there are many more acropoleis (the plural of "acropolis") in Greece, it's this one in central Athens that garners the most attention. In fact, it's routinely referred to simply as "The ...
Naomi Alderman examines the intelligence and sharp humour of an ancient Greek historian, a woman known as Pamphila of Epidaurus. Show more Naomi Alderman examines the intelligence and sharp humour ...
Historically, the venue hosted a variety of music festivals, but today, the locale serves as the site for many theater, music and art festivals, including the Athens and Epidaurus Festival ...
The findings suggest a well-established trade network in the Mediterranean, where glass was not only produced but also exchanged across different cultures, including Mycenaean and Mesopotamian[2].