Creeping Lamium is a herbaceous perennial plant and a member of the mint family ... and not controlling growth is key for a thriving ground cover that elevates the appearance of your landscaping.
That doesn’t mean you should write off shady sections of your yard as no-grow zones, however. There are plenty of shade ground cover plants that can be used in place of standard grass.
Mountain mint does best in well-draining soil with a neutral or slightly acidic pH. This plant can grow in a variety of soils, including sandy, clay, and loamy soils. Keep the soil moist ...
The evergreen ground cover you choose determines whether you have healthy-looking plants with stunning year-round color or a sad, drab yard. While a wide variety of evergreen ground cover plants are ...
One plant that gets along excellently with roses is red creeping thyme (Thymus praecox 'Coccineus'). Red creeping thyme is a perennial herb, which unlike culinary thyme, is not usually eaten. Creeping ...
If the leaves of your citrus tree are yellow, it’s a sign that they are deficient in the minerals — nitrogen and magnesium t ...
BURLINGTON, Vt. (WCAX) - It may be wet and cold outside with the snow falling overnight, but garden expert Charlie Nardozzi and our Sharon Meyer take us back to greener days in this week’s “In ...
One plant no homeowner wants to find in their yard is the dreadful Creeping Charlie also known as the ground ivy. Creeping Charlie, Glechoma hederacea, is a very aggressive, creeping ground cover ...
Creeping thyme grows as a ground cover in a yard. - BONNIE WATTON/Shutterstock ...
Don't use a herbicide on your weeds—use a natural weed killer instead! Learn how to spray or smother weeds to make them go ...