Only some fighter jets have unique engines found in no other fighter jets; the Dassault Rafale with its Snecma M88 ...
The first two F-16 Block 70s now officially delivered are expected to arrive in Bulgaria between late March to early April ...
The $120-million deal clinched with Sudan in 2001 for selling ten MiG-29SE fighters and two MiG-29UB fighters was the biggest contract for supplying Russia’s armaments to that state torn by the ...
其中有12架单座的F-7BGI,4架双座的FT-7BGI,这批飞机于2012至2013年交付。2019年,孟加拉空军与白俄罗斯达成协议,将6架米格-29B战斗机和2架米格-29UB送至白俄罗斯升级,目前这8架战机已经全部完成升级。 目前,孟加拉空军正在执行“2030年部队现代化计划”,计划 ...
MiG-29UB combat training aircraft, Su-30SM multirole fighters, Mi-8MT transport helicopters, and Mi-24P gunships as its available and planned fixed-and rotary-wing aircraft.