🥇🥇🥇Gao Tingyu won the men's 100-meter speed skating ⛸⛸⛸title in 9.35 seconds. It was the first gold medal for China in speed skating at the Asian Winter Games! 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 ...
Lin Xiaojun overtook the South Korean athlete from the outer lane and won the gold medal in the men's 500-meter short-track speed skating event at the Asian Winter Games! Congratulations!
这是3D打印的劳斯莱斯车头小金人,应该是1:1的,有劳的朋友可以出来帮忙确认一下,你看看这个比例是对的吗? 这个小小的雕像,不仅是艺术品的象征,更是身份的象征。一般来说,像这样的装饰物只会出现在一些顶级豪车之上,因为据说就它单价要20万人民币,所以它们的目的是彰显身份?错了。 其实这个雕像的诞生之初,并不是为了展示奢华,而是为了【遮丑】。