In addition to charts, medication order sheets and medication administration records (MARs) are reviewed daily. Voluntary and solicited reports are obtained from staff. Finally, additional sources ...
Different methods employ different definitions. Chart-review studies define medication errors as errors in the ordering, transcribing, dispensing, administering, or monitoring of a medication.
Most Americans would prefer brand-name drugs—but end up buying generic versions because of the cost, new consumer research ...
Have you ever wondered what pharmacies pay for common drugs? You can use the following database to type the name of a prescription drug to track changes in the average price pharmacies pay for it.
Braithwaite’s medics are allowed to use protocols as a reference during tests and the protocols include a colored dosing chart that matches the Broselow tape. Use a medication administration ...
To facilitate prescriber identification on inpatient medication charts, we used a multifaceted approach. Junior doctors were given personalised name stamps and were reminded to write or stamp their ...
Objective To determine how often serious or life-threatening medication administration errors with the potential to cause harm (potential adverse drug events) result in actual harm (adverse drug ...
For some people, type 2 diabetes can be managed with lifestyle modifications alone (changes in diet and regular exercise). However, typically, type 2 diabetes is treated with medication plus lifestyle ...
Blood pressure medications are usually taken for life. However, some people can stop taking them by addressing those underlying causes of high blood pressure (hypertension) that can be changed, such ...
The chart below uses insight from studies including those conducted by the American Diabetes Association (ADA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and John Hopkins Medicine to ...
The health care provider of last resort is working to shore up affiliate clinics that are in dire financial straits.
While medication can provide symptom relief, it does not necessarily address underlying maladaptive behaviors, and is therefore considered by many clinicians and adjunct to treatment, rather than ...