Students from Crockett Intermediate School and Paris Junior High School joined forces to secure a remarkable first-place ...
So, getting rid of the federal Department of Education could decentralize education, improve outcomes, and increase parents' satisfaction with how their kids are taught. And let's not forget, it could ...
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE MATHEMATICS & SCIENCE SCHOOL: BFE will host open houses Feb. 12 and 19, 9-11 a.m., for ...
Florida middle schoolers’ math and reading scores continue a decline that preceded the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. Department of Education data released in January show. The data are not a fluke, as ...
Alabama saw record-breaking gains on the Nation’s Report Card this year, but state leaders say more targeted efforts – and ...
By providing the correct answer to that question, junior William Lewis of the Scholastic Bowl team helped to clinch another win for the Warriors. With a season record of 13 wins and one tie, the team ...
America’s children have continued to lose ground on reading skills in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and have made little ...
Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment results came out a couple of weeks ago, the results for New Century Academy were a mixed bag. While disciplines at the secondary charter school in ...
Low income students in Litchfield improved their math and reading proficiency scores by an average of 5 percentage points from last year, according to data released Tuesday by the Minnesota ...
As justification for dismantling the federal Department of Education, President Donald Trump has repeatedly claimed that U.S.
There was some awkwardness last week when 2024 NAEP results showed that LAUSD’s 8th-grade reading score dropped by eight ...
Lombardo’s pre-K plan is laying the groundwork for a tax increase. He’s on the same path as Kenny Guinn and Brian Sandoval.