The role of a materials engineer, Holm says, is to figure out what ingredients should be used to create a product and to "figure out how to make" that product with those particular ingredients.
Composite adhesives like epoxy resins are excellent tools for joining and filling materials including wood, metal, and ...
Materials are a necessity for all engineering applications. Materials science and engineering seeks to understand the fundamental physical origins of material behavior in order to optimize properties ...
Graduates of the program seek positions such as: materials engineer/scientist, process engineer, research engineer, manufacturing engineer and postdoctoral or professor positions at universities.
Chemical engineers build better molecular mousetraps to create everything from ultrastrong fibers to materials for prosthetics. A mid-career chemical engineer will take on projects with increasing ...
I am an engineer who does research on materials used in roads. Scholars in my field are working to develop materials that can ...
A new study led by researchers at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) outlines a way to engineer pseudo-bonds in materials. Instead of forming ...
Sustainability is a key consideration in the role, making sure we are sourcing, using and reusing materials responsibly. Alex: apprentice process engineer Alex is an apprentice at a building ...
Materials science and engineering is an interdisciplinary field that forms the foundation for many engineering applications by extending the current supply of materials, improving existing materials, ...