Van is a giant male grizzly bear, possibly one of the biggest in Alaska. He is the undisputed king of the bay. Parsnip is a young inexperienced mother with young cubs, living in a dangerous part ...
Two archery hunters shot and killed a grizzly bear after it knocked down and bit one of them near Yellowstone National Park ...
The grizzly bear is an important part of the popular mythology ... This subspecies is the largest bear in the world. A Kodiak male can grow to 10 feet tall on hind legs, or 5 feet tall on all ...
Adult grizzly bears are usually solitary creatures ... "This family drama was unfolding before our eyes," recalled Turner, "the male bear couldn't believe his luck at finding this female who ...
the grizzly bear is distinguished by its large size and a distinctive hump between the shoulders. Coloration is usually dark brown but can vary from blond to black. Adult males typically weigh from ...