A differential imaging diagnosis of liposarcoma or large lipoma was made. An excisional biopsy was performed with complete removal of a large lobulated and encapsulated grossly ovoid mass. Frozen ...
The lump from a sarcoma is usually difficult to move around, unlike a common type of lump called a lipoma. A lipoma is an often harmless overgrowth of fat cells, which a person can usually move ...
A sarcoma is a cancer that arises from uncontrolled cell growth in tissues of mesodermal origins, such as connective tissue, bone, cartilage, fat or muscle. There are around 100 different subtypes ...
A 41-year-old man was referred with bilateral swollen knees. He reported a 6-year history of pain and swelling in the knees and feet. Past medical history revealed psoriasis and a recent diagnosis of ...
Division of Oncology, Department of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California.
其鉴别诊断范围广泛,包括巨细胞瘤(giant cell tumor)、韧带样瘤(desmoid tumor)、痛风石(tophi)、神经瘤(neuroma)、神经鞘瘤(schwannoma)、肉瘤(sarcoma)、腱鞘囊肿(ganglion cyst)、皮样囊肿(dermoid cyst)、表皮样囊肿(epidermoid cyst)、脂肪瘤(lipoma)、纤维 ...
Cardiac Tumors are very rare but have devastating consequences given that they involve such an important organ. The majority of tumors are benign myxomas, which can present in very subtle ways ...
A lipoma is a slow growing ... underlying skin disorder but can develop from excessive licking. A soft tissue sarcoma in dogs is a type of cancer that involves the connective tissues and nervous ...
Mary’s Hematology Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Republic of Korea Introduction: Histiocytic sarcoma (HS) is a rare and aggressive hematologic malignancy with ...
Comparison of laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation with percutaneous radiofrequency ablation in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B-related hepatocellular carcinoma involving specific sites: A ...