Priced at Rs 29,999, the Realme 14 Pro+ highest variant in the new series. The phone is compact, light and packed with premium features. While on paper it aces the game, is it as good in real-life?
The Sox sought a McKnight in shining armor to improve a TV broadcast that sunk in popularity with first-year play-by-play voice John Schriffen. They didn’t have to look far. Connor McKnight was ...
Although not a condition, the savior complex—also known as the “messiah complex” or “white knight syndrome”—is a term used to describe the compulsive need to rescue or fix others ...
The Knight also comes with an aluminum shell (it really is a Knight in shining armour!), with what Noble calls a "3D effect acrylic faceplate in an eye-catching combination of deep purples and ...
PILOT MOUNTAIN — North Surry started the new year off strong by defeating East Surry 84-68 on Jan. 3. A 29-point first quarter set the pace for the Greyhounds to score a season-high 84 points ...