Vote for one boy and one girl to be named Athlete of the Week. Select a male and female athlete below, enter your email and click Submit. Athlete of the Week voting runs from 5 p.m. ET on Mondays ...
“This year I would really wanna make sure going out as a senior that I am proud of what I left,” said Meghan.
Muscatine softball standout Lucy Hoag was voted TV6 Spotlight Athlete of the Week. The senior is leading the Muskies in homeruns and RBI. Assumption soccer star Aiden Nuci was voted TV6 Spotlight ...
The Athlete Council represents, supports, and promotes the voices of athletes on anti-doping matters; and is the avenue for athletes, chosen by athletes, to assume important seats within WADA’s ...
Eczema on the feet and athlete’s foot can both cause itching and skin inflammation. However, eczema is typically more widespread and affects larger joints, whereas athlete’s foot usually ...
The trans athlete had led San Francisco Waldorf’s girls’ basketball team to a 9-8 record and a playoff meeting against Cornerstone Christian School. But in the trans athlete’s absence ...
The three-time Olympic gold medalist track star shows off the Texan in her with her latest look.
As a transgender athlete, CeCé Telfer is used to fighting for acceptance, both on the sports field and in her day-to-day life. That battle, she says, has become even more challenging in the weeks ...
As winter sports hurtle toward the playoffs and practices start for many spring sports, the Standard-Times will continue taking nominations for City National Bank Athlete of the Week throughout ... Background Monitoring athlete well-being is essential to guide training and to detect any progression towards negative health outcomes and associated poor performance. Objective ...