Jesus is “true God from true God,” “begotten not made,” and “of one substance with the Father.” These truths that lie at the ...
Peter witnessed everything about Jesus Christ. He wit­nessed the Transfiguration ... which we celebrate today is the throne of the Great Shepherd. May God continue to bless and direct His ...
The shepherd is counting the sheep ... When people think of Jesus Christ, there are many different ideas and opinions. Historical records tell us that he did exist. Christians firmly believe ...
The value of suffering can be summed up in the phrase omnia in bonum, meaning “all things work together for the good” — a ...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! These are the words of great news for today. Out of the sacred word in scripture, today Christians recall that the tomb is empty, the burial clothes are ...
Paul states that the Ephesian elders were to shepherd the church which “He purchased with His own blood” (Acts 20:28). Again, ...