Rights issues with Universal have kept Marvel from trying again with a stand-alone Hulk movie, so The Incredible ... Scarlett Johansson, Even the Iron Man movies aren't immune from Tough Sequel ...
It began with 2008’s “Iron Man ... Marvel Studios movie after “Captain America: The First Avenger.” The exceptions are, of course, the three standalone “Spider-Man” films, which ...
None! If you wanted to watch Iron Man 2 for a credits scene teasing Mjolnir (Thor's hammer), then go for it. But this is Thor's first standalone movie, so you don't need anything else beforehand.
Definitely not one of the best Marvel movies around, but there are, thankfully for this 2018 movie, worse ones than it. A generally uneven sequel to its 2008 predecessor, Iron Man 2 fails to shed ...
Robert Downey Jr.-as-Tony Stark utters that short sentence in the waning moments of 2008's Iron Man, the movie that kicked off the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In the fictional moment, Stark opted ...