This happens even when not crying. The eye is not red and the eyelid is not swollen. Both sides are blocked in 30% of these children. Caused by blockage of the lacrimal duct. This duct carries ...
Cholestasis in general is classified as either extrahepatic, where there is a mechanical obstruction to the main bile ducts, or intrahepatic, where such an obstructive lesion cannot be ...
What are plugged milk ducts? A plugged milk duct feels like a sore lump in the breast. Some mothers seem to be more likely to get them. Usually they go away within a few days without doing anything.
The liver is a multifunctional organ that plays crucial roles in numerous physiological processes, such as production of bile and proteins for blood plasma, regulation of blood levels of amino acids, ...
Primary biliary cholangitis (formerly known as primary biliary cirrhosis, PBC) is an autoimmune liver disease in which a cycle of immune mediated biliary epithelial cell injury, cholestasis and ...
Before the operation, 5% isoflurane was given for inhalation anesthesia, and then 4% sodium taurocholate salt was slowly retrogradely injected into the biliopancreatic duct with a micro infusion pump ...
If you wish to reuse any or all of this article please use the link below which will take you to the Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink service. You will be ...
"The ductwork in your HVAC system also transports air throughout your home and can also cause dust," Hulsebos says. "If the ducts are not properly sealed, dust from within the duct system can be blown ...