GitHub Copilot's new Agent Mode in Visual Studio Code transforms it into a proactive assistant, automating tasks like testing ...
GitHub Copilot is getting more autonomous with new agent mode and the promise of Project Padawan as competition in AI coding space grows.
无论是微软 CEO 纳德拉宣布 GitHub Copilot 全面拥抱智能体,还是 OpenAI CEO Altman 对未来软件工程的展望,都清晰地表明:AI 智能体正引领软件工程领域进入一个全新的时代。 这场变革也带来了一系列值得思考的问题:开发者如何适应与 AI 协同工作的新模式?如何确保 AI 在网络安全领域的应用既能提升防御能力,又能避免新的风险?如何平衡 AI ...
1. 微软宣布GitHub Copilot将全面拥抱智能体,推出Agent模式,使智能体具备自主改bug、修复错误和自主提交PR评论等功能。 3. OpenAI首席执行官Sam ...
ML.NET is a cross-platform open-source machine learning (ML) framework for .NET. ML.NET allows developers to easily build, train, deploy, and consume custom models in their .NET applications without ...
As AI continues to reshape software development, coding agents have become indispensable tools for developers. In 2025, the ...
在人工智能技术迅猛发展的今天,开发者们一直在寻找能够提升工作效率的工具。近日,GitHub公司宣布其AI编码助手——GitHub Copilot成功集成到Visual Studio中,为广大.NET开发者提供了更为强大的编程辅助功能。这一融合不仅标志着GitHub与微软之间进一步深化的合作,也为开发者们带来了更便捷的编程体验。
A Better Text Editor Than TextEdit . TextEdit may be better than Notepad, but it’s far from perfect. It really just caters to ...