Evans found that the 4686 series and the Pickering series can be obtained in a helium spectrum showing no trace of the ordinary hydrogen lines. These series were observed a few years ago by Prof.
Hydrogen nano-clusters at low temperatures display 'superfluidity'—a quantum state of frictionless flow only previously observed in helium.
The discovery that inert helium can form bonds with iron may reshape our understanding of Earth’s history. Researchers from ...
Fortescue-backed HyTerra (ASX:HYT) has pinpointed April to spud the first wells of a multi-well exploration program at its ...
It's a bird; it's a plane!! It's a ... cloud?! No, it's a massive, once-military-grade hover-capable blimp designed to ...
“Before the first stars exploded, there was no water in the Universe because there was no oxygen. Only very simple nuclei ...
Australian player will drill two wells ahead of decision on whether to proceed with production testing programme ...
Thor Energy PLC (THR) has announced that Go Exploration Pty Ltd, in which Thor holds an 80.2% stake, has successfully ...