Consumers are no longer just buying outdoor gear for function; they are curating experiences, upgrading their spaces, and ...
If you want to change up your fireplace's brick mantle but don't want to paint over the brick, take a cue from this simple, customizable DIY.
Nashville resident Joanna Teplin was eager to get in touch with Rebecca Robinson, the owner and principal designer of Monarch ...
Well-versed in the digital landscape, she combines real-world experience in website design, building e-commerce shops, managing social media and marketing with years... Rachel Williams has been an ...
They can plant flower pots, hang paintings, make carpets, and more. One unique decorative detail players can also create is a fireplace. It's a relatively simple area to make in a base ...
When someone asks, or sings, "Do you want to build a snowman?" the answer should always be yes. Building a snowman after fresh powder falls is a timeless winter activity – no matter your age.
Both styles of gas fireplaces are safe for indoor use. The difference between them is ... That said, Canada and some cities in the US don’t allow using ventless gas fireplaces. Before buying one, make ...
If your decor style leans towards minimalism and that aesthetic is feeling a little, well, lifeless, you're not alone.
Bellows make an ideal housewarming gift for ... A perfect fireside lighter for heavy frequent use lighting fires indoor and outdoor. A great tool for fireplace, fire pit, BBQ and camping.