Varroa destructor mite has been found in southern Queensland, the first detection of the world's worst bee-killing parasite ...
Australia's 1,200 native bee species, which are not affected by the mite ... in plant-pollinator interactions and developing conservation strategies. "As Australia is the last honey-producing country ...
As one of the nation’s top beekeeping states, Texas bees are responsible for producing over 7 million pounds of honey annually, and pollinating a variety of crops all across the U.S. But, over the ...
Australia's 1,200 native bee species ... "As Australia is the last honey-producing country to become infected with the varroa mite, we are in a unique position where we can review global ...
Varroa detections have led to forced, mass destruction of commercial hives in NSW and elsewhere around the world. Bees play a vital role in agriculture and mite infestations have driven up prices ...