Xeriscaping is a great way to lower water usage. This Arizona homeowner shared how they're using native plants to save water.
A growing number of organisations are trying to understand how heat is experienced by different segments of society. Read ...
However, a sprinkler system can develop problems over time. Leaks, low water pressure, and broken valves are all issues ...
Workers whose jobs require them to be outdoors all day, such as street vendors or agricultural workers, are also highly ...
Excavation for the new Quincy Aquatic Center is going to require some additional soil sampling first. Parks and Recreation Director Russ Harrington said in an earlier interview that city officials ...
S&P Global Ratings analysts said they reviewed their entire rated California public utility portfolio before giving seven ...
As AI continues to grow, experts say that the wine industry is proof that businesses can integrate the technology efficiently ...
Well over a century ago, irrigation began helping farmers grow crops in semi-arid southern Alberta. The irrigation industry ...
Watkins said you can catch water coming off the roof through your gutter system with the downspout leading to the barrel.
Ahouse perched on a swath of green grass with cute little green balls of shrubbery may represent "home" in emoji-world, but ...
Ukrainian leaders visit Paradise to learn about town's recovery efforts to apply back home On Tuesday, Paradise staff gave the Ukrainian leaders a tour of the town's irrigation district office and ...