Was I wrong to feel this way? -- Recovering and Forgotten Dear Recovering: It’s likely your friend doesn’t realize how her exclusions and actions, or in actions, rather, have built up to be so ...
Dear Abby advises a sister unsure how to proceed after her brother hit on their friend's wife. Getty Images/iStockphoto DEAR ABBY: My younger brother, “Paul,” is 40 and in a rut. He became ...
Why do I feel such a loss and miss this co-worker who I thought was a friend? — DISCARDED IN CALIFORNIA DEAR DISCARDED: It takes a level of trust to share intimate details of our lives with someone.
DEAR ABBY: My younger brother, “Paul,” is 40 and in a rut.He became friends with a friend of mine, “Mitch,” whom I met in college. Paul also became good friends with Mitch’s wife ...
DEAR ABBY: My friend “Cindra” has two children. Both are homeschooled and not able to do many things on their own. Cindra and I have very different views and philosophies on raising children.
Was I wrong to feel this way? — Recovering and Forgotten Dear Recovering: It’s likely your friend doesn’t realize how her exclusions and actions, or in actions, rather, have built up to be ...
DEAR ABBY: I have known my best friend, “Carl,” and his wife for 30 years. We do everything together -- cruises, holidays, birthdays, etc. They allow (and enable) their boxer dog to go after ...
Was I wrong to feel this way? -- Recovering and Forgotten DEAR RECOVERING: It’s likely your friend doesn’t realize how her exclusions and actions, or inactions, rather, have built up to be so ...
DEAR ABBY: My friend “Cindra” has two children. Both are homeschooled and not able to do many things on their own. Cindra and I have very different views and philosophies on raising children.
DEAR ABBY: My friend “Cindra” has two children. Both are homeschooled and not able to do many things on their own. Cindra and I have very different views and philosophies on raising children.
Was I wrong to feel this way? — Recovering and Forgotten Dear Recovering: It’s likely your friend doesn’t realize how her exclusions and actions, or in actions, rather, have built up to be ...