Google Chrome has been the dominant Web browser for a decade. But it may soon face competition from AI companies OpenAI and ...
There are numerous reports that the Google Search Console API is delayed and not showing data sooner than this past Thursday, ...
According to a new survey of 2,000 US adults by Vox Media/TheVerge, 42% of the respondents feel that Google search is ...
Data suggests Google is indexing more pages, but if they aren't indexed within six months, it's probably not going to happen ...
At the same time, it’s now easier to request to have your personal data removed right from within Google Search. By clicking ...
Alphabet's Google internet search engine is eroding demand for original content and undermining publishers' ability to ...
The tech industry is charging full-steam ahead on AI, investing tens of billions of dollars into the technology and insisting ...
Perplexity, founded in 2022, is the creator of an AI-powered search application that’s focused on providing real-time ...