SCIENTISTS have ranked the worst types of pain people can experience – including childbirth, gunshot wounds and a slipped disk. Unsurprisingly, labour pains ranked pretty high in terms of ...
Drink beer, and your kidney stones will pass easily!” Sounds tempting, right? If only it were that simple! Let’s uncover the ...
17."At eight years old, I got my period. Obviously concerned about how young I was, my mom took me to the doctor. The doctor ...
An Instagram reel claims that bay leaves water with apple cider vinegar eliminates gall stones and kidney stones in 3 days.
High bilirubin levels increase the risk of developing bilirubin gallstones—a type of gallstone more prevalent in Sickle Cell ...
Without proper treatment, tooth infections can spread to other areas of the body, leading to serious and potentially life threatening complications. A tooth infection, or a tooth abscess ...
Included in this prospective study cohort were all patients with CBDS and gallbladder stones treated with laparoscopic common bile duct stone extraction (LCBDE) at the Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital ...
The biopsy procedure that doctors sometimes use to confirm the diagnosis can also potentially cause complications, including bleeding, infection, and the leaking of bile. Only true gallbladder ...
LTSE and LC with bile duct stone extraction can be performed with high efficiency, minimal morbidity and without mortality. LTSE is feasible and should be chosen as the first therapeutics ...
Additionally, catheters can act as a base for stones to form, and repeated urinary tract infections (UTIs) can lead to the formation of struvite bladder stones. Due to this patient's paraplegia ...
The firm buys the stones from slaughterhouses ... While many of the other purported benefits of cattle gallstones — from lowering fever to treating infection — have little grounding in science ...
Recently, the price of cow gallstones is trading at prices higher than gold, becoming the center of smuggling and crime. This is because demand has surged as cow gallstones are known to be ...