An abdominal ultrasound is an imaging test using sound waves that can used to view internal organs, including the gallbladder. A healthcare provider may order one if symptoms, such as abdominal ...
Gallbladder pain is often felt in the right upper belly, under the ribs. It can also spread (radiate) to the lower chest or your right shoulder blade and may be confused with a heart attack. The ...
Gallbladder surgery may be performed in the hospital, or it could be scheduled at an outpatient center. If the type of surgery you are going to have is a simple gallbladder removal (such as a ...
The New Jersey Democrat wants permission from the FEC to transfer up to $5 million to a super PAC despite the McCain-Feingold law’s ban on candidates financing soft money groups.
Your gallbladder is a small organ tucked beneath your liver in the upper right side of your abdomen. Its main job? Storing bile–a digestive fluid your liver produces to help break down fats.
A percutaneous (through the skin) treatment approach may be used. During this procedure, your doctor opens the gallbladder, dilates the tract and removes any gallstones using a device called a ...
The decision to treat IAP that is presumed to be caused by biliary sludge or microlithiasis empirically should be made on an individual basis, according to each patient. Empiric laparoscopic ...
This implementation of ASM1, 2d and 3 account implemented in the BSM1 layout accounts for 1) reactive settling and 2) electron dependency. The Main developers are: Xavier Flores-Alsina, Krist V.
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