Fungus gnats and scale insects are two pesky insects commonly found on plants this time of year. K-State horticulture expert Cynthia Domenghini outlines what to look for.
On just its hind legs, Ivor, a 6-year-old mixed cocker spaniel and Labrador dog, diligently sniffs at large piles of split ...
Colorado's cannabis testing loopholes have led to consumers being deceived about the safety of the products they buy, with ...
Farming techniques using biologicals and adopting regenerative practices are advancing at lightening speed. The team at ...
Shady areas in landscapes and gardens require plants that need or tolerate shade. If you need ideas, attend the class “Some ...
Red leaf blotch (RLB) of almond, caused by Polystigma amygdalinu m, is a disease currently observed in the Mediterranean ...
The first step in creating your biodegradable plant pots is choosing the right materials. Natural fibers like jute, sisal, or ...
While you may be aware of more common outdoor allergies, you may not know that plenty of things in your home could be causing ...
Like Mr. Vocoret, Athénaïs de Béru of Château de Béru, believes climate change has created a lot of unknowns. Ms. Béru, whose ...
Klajdi Toci, 21, was found with the "sophisticated" cannabis grow over five floors at an end-terrace property in Welshpool High Street.
In much of the U.S., illegal cannabis outcompetes legal weed sold in licensed shops. For consumers, it can be difficult to ...
Pamela Isley finds herself thrown into the unlikely role of ambassador due to her ties to three worlds in Poison Ivy #30.