Phobias - the word is Greek for 'fear' - have always ... One man who recently contacted the Phobic Society had a long-standing fear of the aspic jelly that is found in tinned ham.
People who seek treatment usually have a debilitating phobia. Saltz: Sometimes it’s not even the flying per se. Sometimes it’s a fear of being ... CNN: How long does overcoming aerophobia ...
Think of the kind that makes you pause and take a moment or more to pronounce these words. With around 273,000 headwords — for example, if you look up the word “cat” in a dictionary, “cat” is the ...
It is a lung disease caused by inhaling dust and it’s pronounced as ...
Xanthophobia is fear of the colour yellow, while porphyrophobia is brought on by purple. Coulrophobia is common, even if the word itself is ... if it's moving. Most phobias are irrational ...
A national conversation on the state of our constitutional order, though, requires we avoid succumbing to convention-phobia — a fear that any talk of constitutional reform or a convention ... Absent ...
The deceptive label of ‘islamophobia’ figures prominently amongst the efforts to embrace the religious ideology of Muslims ...
More than 10million people in the UK suffer from phobias – an overwhelming and irrational fear of an object, place, situation, feeling or animal. While the exact cause is unknown, many are ...