Coast to Coast set a precedent for other adult cartoons to follow. It put Atlanta on the map as a quirky treasure trove of warped creative minds. “People discovered that there was a certain flavor and ...
Feiffer, who died Jan. 17, first published his self-titled comic strip in The Village Voice in 1956. Later syndicated, Feiffer went on to run for more than four decades. Originally broadcast in 1982.
Gracie Gato's tabletop studio in Hudson is ground zero for creating "Adam's World," a children's television cartoon in the making, about kids with autism who are superheroes — including a girl who ...
“Once the new chief is selected, the city has a bunch of human resources (process) and background investigations to occur before a new chief starts,” said Gorton. “But we expect April ...
While agrivoltaics is not yet a widespread practice, there is growing evidence that suggests it should be. The more clean, renewable energy we can create, the better for the planet — and if farmers ...
Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes announced Friday she had resigned from The Washington Post after the newspaper refused to publish a satirical cartoon depicting billionaire Post owner ...
Dr. DuVal is a professor of history at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and the author, most recently, of “Native Nations: A Millennium in North America.” If you work at a ...