Getting sentence structure right, is crucial in being able ... Understanding sentence construction with the use of rules and examples.
Clear sentence structure depends on establishing where a sentence ends and the next one begins ... Combining two or more sentences without appropriate conjunctions and/or punctuation results in a ...
The nice part about this type of structure is that it lets your reader easily know who is doing the action and what the outcome of the action is. A subject performs the action in a sentence. For ...
In the National 5 English Critical Reading assessment, you will be asked to comment on examples of language in an extract from a Scottish text you have previously studied (and elsewhere in the text).
[Two adverb clauses] Whether or not you can readily identify the parts of speech involved is not as important as developing an ear for detecting when a sentence has lost its parallel structure. In ...
An independent clause is basically a complete sentence; it can stand on its own and make sense. An independent clause consists of a subject (e.g. “the dog”) and a verb (e.g. “barked”) creating a ...