Faced with largest movement of migrants and refugees since World War II, Europe has displayed the arbitrariness of its borders, both internal and external. The integrated borders management ...
The fall of the Iron Curtain which lifted communist rule across a swathe of Europe was as swift as it was unexpected. Click on the links below to watch and read about the main events in a dramatic and ...
Legrain concludes by stating that the choice that Europe faces is not between closed borders and open ones. It is between illegal immigration and legal, regulated migration, because governments ...
We have seen that borders in Europe have changed many times. In 1975, the Helsinki Final Act was signed, which enshrined the principle of inviolability of borders. I grew up with this concept that ...
Thirty-two years on from the fall of the Berlin Wall, there are now 1,800km of walls and fences either built or under construction on Europe’s borders. That is the equivalent of almost 12 new ...
At a press conference with Poland's Interior Minister Tomasz Siemoniak, Brunner emphasized the need to strengthen Europe's borders. "Europe's borders are key for its security, and now more than ...