Opening the Habitats Directive for wolves amendment could open floodgates. Member states are urged to improve compensation bureaucracy.
Native to Europe, common wall lizards are growing bigger, faster, and more resilient in Ohio. Scientists say the city itself ...
Over 1.2 million people demanded the protection and strengthening of the EU ban on animal testing for cosmetics by signing ...
Ruud Tombrock, Executive Director of Humane World for Animals Europe (formerly Humane Society International/Europe), warns that the lack of structured animal welfare policies in disaster response ...
Wolves in the united Europe are no longer under strict protection, their shooting is possible. About it today, March 10, ...
Situated in southwestern France, Lascaux Cave is world-famous for its stunning Paleolithic cave paintings. Unearthed in 1940, ...
Survivor of tragic Channel crossing recounts harrowing ordeal, says migrants were 'treated like animals' and left without ...
and the UK more than the rest of Europe. UK government figures show testing on live animals peaked in Scotland at 573,000 cases in 2015, falling to 390,000 procedures in 2023. Ms Campbell said ...
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a big problem in the EU. A number of bacteria are resistant to a range of key antibiotics, ...