While overall enrollment still grew ... Moreover, there’s no reason why the FAFSA bungle would affect men more than women. But there is an obvious explanation: The messages coming from colleges ...
More people are getting their health insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplaces than ever before.
No airport visit is needed. Lenox Square now offers TSA PreCheck enrollment and renewals for Atlanta travelers.
Other metro area school districts where enrollment declines outpaced state averages included West Linn-Wilsonville, which saw a 2% drop, and Parkrose, which saw a 3.3% drop.
His tenure has been marked by major expansions in student access and workforce training ⏤ along with deep faculty unrest over ...
Last year, 24 million people chose plans during the most recent open enrollment period, mainly due to expanded tax credits that made plans available to people for little or no monthly premiums.
Commonwealth University faculty and coaches voted overwhelmingly this week to approve a no- confidence measure against their president, Bashar Hanna, citing concerns about his leadership, declining ...
Financial concerns extend beyond enrollment numbers. Ingles highlighted LCS will no longer receive federal ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) funds, which helped sustain ...
Chandigarh: There has been a sharp decline in total enrolment in Haryana govt schools. Compared to last year, 27,000 fewer ...