Egyptian mummies, that have been entombed for hundreds, and even thousands of years, still smell ‘fresh’, scientists examining the ancient mummified remains of Egyptian royals, have discovered.
Egyptian mummies, that have been entombed for hundreds, and even thousands of years, still smell 'fresh', scientists examining the ancient mummified remains of Egyptian royals, have discovered.
Dead bodies aren’t typically known for smelling good, but according to a new study, the carefully embalmed bodies of ancient Egyptian mummies are an exception. The study, published in the Journal of ...
But researchers got a whiff of well-preserved Egyptian mummies and discovered that they actually have somewhat delightful odors. In a new study, a team of researchers analyzed the scents of nine ...
Scientists have determined that Egyptian mummies, some up to 5,000 years old, emit aromas described as woody, spicy, and sweet. The pleasant smells, linked to sophisticated embalming methods, ...
Researchers, wanting to understand how mummies smell after long periods in museum display cases and storage, collected samples of the odours emitted by nine of them at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
But researchers who indulged their curiosity in the name of science found that well-preserved Egyptian mummies actually smell pretty good. “In films and books, terrible things happen to those ...
The international research effort is the first systematic odor and chemical analysis of multiple Egyptian mummies from a range of time periods. The remains span the New Kingdom—the height of ...
Researchers analyzed the smell of ancient Egyptian mummies, uncovering new insights into embalming practices. Credit: Journal of the American Chemical Society / CC BY 4.0 Ancient Egyptian mummies ...
Egyptian mummies still carry a pleasant odour, experts have revealed, owing to the embalming process these ancient royals underwent thousands of years ago. Experts who recently investigated the scents ...
On the other hand, while on the topic, the famous Egyptian mummies have always been a topic of intense interest, having been featured in many movies too. These mummies were bodies that were ...