CNC mills need a touch sensor to measure e.g. the center of a workpiece. This repository hold data on how to build such a sensor and the code to operate it with a WLAN based basestation.
New modules quite often do not have stable API, and they are not well-tested. Thus, they shouldn't be released as a part of the official OpenCV distribution, since the library maintains binary ...
Protect against emerging phishing attacks that target collaboration tools by protecting your Microsoft Teams environment with a unified detection and response experience. Enhance security with ...
在 智能座舱 HMI项目中,随着汽车行业逐步向自动驾驶、车联网(IoV)和智能化方向发展,Unity可以通过深度整合新兴技术(如元宇宙、全息投影、5G+边缘计算、情感AI、无缝多模态交互)来进一步提升座舱体验。这部分将探讨这些未来 技术趋势 及其在Unity中的实现和整合。