Plan Bee is a drone that pollinates flowers just like a real-life bee. Credit: Courtesy of Savannah college of art and design Bees in the U.S. are more endangered than ever, requiring protection ...
Explore the secret life of bees with stunning drone footage capturing vast countryside beehives in action. Watch as thousands of bees buzz around golden fields, pollinating flowers and sustaining ...
Before the word was used to describe aircraft, ‘drone’ had two meanings. First as a continuous low humming sound, and second as a male bee. The male bee does no work, gathers no honey ...
Multiple behaviors were observed that indicate narwhal tusks — like Swiss Army knives — serve as multi-purpose tools. While they likely evolved for sexual selection (males use their tusks to compete ...
A new video shows incredible views over the iconic Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco — taking in its towering orange spans ...
Different types of bees: queen, drone, worker roles are critical to honey bee colonies. Honey bees play a vital role in ...
Great drone video takes viewers over Apple’s futuristic headquarters in Cupertino, California. The footage, shared Monday by Ambient via the Sacramento Bee’s video content provider ...