当地时间2月7日,场地障碍世界杯西欧联赛波尔多站1.50米争时赛率先打响。最终,对于法国主场观众来说,迎来一个梦幻般的结局。 本场比赛前三名全部由法国骑手包揽,朱利安·埃帕拉德与他信赖的搭档Donatello ...
Shredder has always been the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' arch nemesis, and now, he's more badass than ever with an official ...
These big stars made the 80s better but disappeared from the limelight the following decade…. Grab your neons, shoulder pads, ripped sweater and your aviators. It’s time to venture back to the 1980s ...