Illegal and potentially unsafe meat is making its way into the UK, according to reports. Meat entering the UK without an export health certificate (EHC) does not meet the country’s required ...
City officials are trying new methods to help diseased sycamore and London plane trees. Even in late February, hints of Christmas linger in the Yalecrest neighborhood. But, some city residents and ...
The three "Ds" stand for "dead, damaged, and diseased," and this rule applies ... You can also prune perennials, like hostas and daylilies, back when they enter their dormant phase.
For later in the summer, try hostas, peonies or hardy geraniums, such as ‘Ann Folkard’ and ‘Rozanne ... We gave them a balanced feed in the spring and cut away any dead or diseased leaves. We assessed ...
A scheme to fell hundreds of trees across Brighton is continuing with some public concern as the council attempts to stop the spread of ash dieback and elm disease. On Monday work to fell 150 ...
Oak wilt is a fatal tree disease caused by a fungus that affects all species of oak trees. Oak wilt spreads from diseased to healthy trees either below ground via connected roots or above ground by ...
Regenerative medicine is the branch of medicine that develops methods to regrow, repair or replace damaged or diseased cells, organs or tissues. Regenerative medicine includes the generation and ...
I am the Priority Leader of Trait Diversity and Function, the Science Priority studying plant and fungal traits, to aid conservation, increase resilience to global change, and explore potential uses ...