A scheme to fell hundreds of trees across Brighton is continuing with some public concern as the council attempts to stop the spread of ash dieback and elm disease. On Monday work to fell 150 ...
The woman had pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP), a rare, complex, and progressive cancer originating in the appendix ... preserved while removing all other diseased organs, said senior anaesthetist ...
Illegal and potentially unsafe meat is making its way into the UK, according to reports. Meat entering the UK without an export health certificate (EHC) does not meet the country’s required ...
It is especially important to explore the detailed structure and function of tissues, cells, and macromolecules in ways previously unimaginable, offering unprecedented insights into both healthy and ...
and cutting back of any overgrown or diseased trees and hedges that border the railway. If our engineering work wasn’t completed continuously over one week, we would require many reoccurring weekend ...
Between Quay Viaduct, Fareham and Portchester sub-station, a number of dead, diseased and dangerous trees will be removed to reduce leaf fall onto the railway and help keep trains running safely and ...
Recent studies reveal that the human appendix plays roles in gut microbiota restoration and immunity, contrary to its previous classification as vestigial. The appendix harbors beneficial bacteria ...