DISH is a type of arthritis that affects the tendons and ligaments around your spine. Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) is a type of arthritis that affects tendons and ligaments, mainly ...
For a reasonable price, this ultrasonic diffuser from health brand Now offers a quiet, heat-free way to diffuse your favorite essential oil throughout your bedroom, home office or bathroom. The ...
Overview of events that can contribute to the formation of testicular microlithiasis. We suggest that the formation of testicular microcalcifications occurs as a consequence of one or more of the ...
Is testicular microlithiasis a really innocent condition? Its effects on oncological outcomes of germ cell testicular cancer: An observational study.
This valuable study reports the link between a disruption in testicular mineral (phosphate) homeostasis, FGF23 expression, and Sertoli cell dysfunction. The data supporting the conclusion are solid.
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NSE positive Sertoli cell tumor of the testis: case report and literature review.