At the end of March, the U.S. Department of Agriculture will release the Prospective Plantings and Quarterly Grain Stock ...
U.S. grains led by corn fell Wednesday on the CBOT, as traders coped with both Tuesday's WASDE report and new retaliatory ...
The USDA’s World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report shows the 2024-2025 U.S. corn outlook is unchanged relative ...
U.S. Department of Agriculture’s World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report provided a friendly surprise for corn ...
Jerry Gulke, president of the Gulke Group, says while he is short term bearish on corn his longer-term outlook is still ...
An imminent trade war between the United States and its two largest agricultural trading partners sent bullish Chicago corn ...
The CmdtyView national average Cash Corn price was up 4 1/2 cents at $4.27 3/4. This morning’s Export Sales report showed 967,348 MT of corn sold in the week ending on 3/6, a 3-week high but ...
The corn leafhopper and the disease symptoms were reported throughout the country last year. Corn stunt disease can result in ...
Report shows the 2024-2025 U.S. corn outlook is unchanged relative to last month. However, the big news in the corn market is the major global trade changes in 2024-2025, ...
--Wheat for May delivery rose 2.1% to $5.62 3/4 a bushel on the Chicago Board of Trade on Monday, with traders getting ready for Tuesday's Wasde report to potentially show a smaller world crop. --Corn ...
The Prospective Plantings report provides an important view into the upcoming crop year.
Neutral is negative as it lacks bullish news. No changes in US corn or soybean demand. Ethanol and corn exports unchanged.