Just at their edges, however, and on the steep external slopes beyond the edges, reef-building ... but the lagoon contains many knolls abundantly covered with living coral, and there is reason ...
Coral reefs can be separated into three distinct zones: the back reef, reef crest, and fore-reef (Figure 7). The back reef includes the shallow lagoon between the shore and coral reef. This ...
The coral reef systems of the Al Wajh lagoon on the Red Sea, the world's fourth largest barrier reef system, are estimated to host approximately 210 species of hard corals and 120 species of soft ...
Oren Levy from Bar-Ilan University, in collaboration with an international team of researchers, has uncovered a significant pause in coral reef growth in the Gulf of Eilat/Aqaba, northern Red Sea ...
Spawning fish are attractive for fishermen. High catch rates can generally be expected during spawning times at specific ...
As the corals regenerate, the reef becomes more habitable for ... marine conservation activities for guests including coral ...
As the early-morning sun rises over the Great Barrier Reef, its light pierces the turquoise waters of a shallow lagoon ... the first places to suffer a mass coral bleaching event that has now ...