A weekly, family-owned newspaper serving Lexington, Buena Vista and Rockbridge County Virginia since 1801.
At the age of 7, Ashley Jones dressed as Harriet Tubman and recited lines of Eloise Greenfield's poem about the abolitionist and conductor of the Underground Railroad to her second grade class in ...
In conjunction with the crackdown, Punjab Police has partnered with Punjabi University Patiala and Educational Multimedia Research Centre to integrate a comprehensive 10-hour anti-drug awareness ...
Two visiting dance companies, drawing on traditions from India and from Ireland respectively, a thunderous taiko drumming ...
In Alabama, 304,964 students and 5,741 teachers lack adequate internet access. Up to 231,999 students and 1,471 teachers are without the technology and devices at home to support distance learning.
The deadline for submission is March 14. Poets will have their poem on display in a Rutland downtown business front window during National Poetry Month from early April through the first week of May.
It is to be the slow leaven, an anarchist, a Utopian, a new kind of hero. I’d like to think our Temenos is an incubator for ...
In a look ahead at a week of Cambridge and Somerville events, there’s a one-liner joke contest, chiptune music fest and ...
Failing to secure UN Security Council support for the same ‘no fly’ resolution that had allowed it to attack Libya, it launched a proxy war on Syria in conjunction with the UK ... and the ‘iron wall’ ...
Every single word, even syllable, matters in a poem, capturing the most elusive emotions and telling a thought-provoking story. Now that we have poems available for free on the internet ...
The complaint against Scripps, which the Brandeis Center filed in conjunction with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP, alleges that one anonymous student ...