Honey has been shown to improve cough frequency and severity in human trials. To combat sore throats, you can eat the fermented garlic honey as is but if you're not keen on the taste you can also add ...
Cold sores are small fluid-filled blisters that typically appear around the lips and mouth and are very common among Brits - but a pharmacist has shared the one cream which will help get rid of them ...
Two 0.07 oz tubes of Abreva 10 Percent Docosanol Cold Sore Treatment Can Heal in 2.5 Days: Fever blister cream contains 10 percent docosanol to shorten the duration of cold sore symptoms (1 ...
COLD weather can play havoc with your hands. The chilly temperatures can strip them of moisture, leading to split nails, dry skin and painful cracks. Ease the effects of winter with these handy ...
Some people prefer topical treatments, such as creams or ointments, while others prefer oral medications. The second factor to consider is the severity of your cold sore outbreak. Mild cases may ...