New methodology reduces the data requirements for protein engineering by 99% so organizations can unlock innovation even in resource-constrained environments .
Biomedical engineers at Duke University have demonstrated a new synthetic approach that turbocharges bacteria into producing more of a specific protein, even proteins that would normally destroy them, ...
A mix of equal portions of metal ion precursors on a film of graphene oxide (left) are subjected to a photoflash from a Xenon lamp. Heated to more than 1,000 K, the precursors transform into ...
Lasec®, the ultimate solution provider for laboratories across Africa, will showcase 17 international suppliers and a broad range of solutions and innovations at its pavilion at analytica Lab Africa ...
Researchers from Lam Research, the University of Colorado Boulder, and PPPL significantly boosted cryogenic reactive ion etching for 3D NAND by using hydrogen fluoride plasma, doubling the etch rate.