More than 40 years on from the 1984 fire, the historic church has teamed up with heritage body Historic England to test out a ...
CHICAGO (WLS) -- The Archdiocese of Chicago broadcasts Sunday Mass from Holy Name Cathedral on ABC7. Mass from Holy Name Cathedral airs on ABC7 streams on at 9:30 a.m. on Sundays.
Pitch Perfect, who directed the raunchy video for rapper S-Quire, told TMZ in a Friday interview that the duo hired Melissa Mercado, a seven-year vet of the NYPD, from a casting agency and ...
This neo-Gothic cathedral may catch your eye with its enormous spires and you'll hear it referred to by many (similar) names, including Catedral da Sé, Catedral Metropolitana and Catedral da Sé ...
An architectural masterpiece of the 13th to 16th centuries, Westminster Abbey has become a treasure house of artefacts. This is also the coronation church where some of the most significant people in ...
Prayers were led by the Reverend Robert Latham, Minor Canon and Precentor; and said by faith leaders Fr Słavomir Witoń, Dean, Westminster Cathedral; the Reverend Tony Miles, Superintendent Minister, ...