从来没有任何一个科学家比爱因斯坦更加传奇!比如死后大脑被抢又被切成240块这待遇,除非粉碎个外星人的头骨才能被企及。这实例不仅能劝退牛顿复活,还可以阻止爱因斯坦重生,大概是外星人攻击地球的新武器 ...
Objective: To investigate the relative bioavailability and bioequivalence, in fasting and fed conditions, of repeated doses of two omeprazole enteric-coated formulations in healthy volunteers ...
Apicobasal polarity is a type of cell polarity specific to epithelial cells, referring to a specialised apical membrane facing the outside of the body or lumen of internal cavities, and a ...
Both authors share equal and corresponding authorship. The helminth diseases schistosomiasis, opisthorchiasis, and clonorchiasis are highly carcinogenic. Trypanosoma cruzi has a dual role in cancer ...
LCN 存在于骨单位(osteons)内,由中央的哈弗斯管(Haversian canal)、周围的骨陷窝(lacunae)以及连接它们的骨小管(canaliculi)组成。骨陷窝中住着骨细胞,它们如同城市里的居民,而骨小管则是连接各个 “居民点” 的道路,营养物质和信号分子通过骨小管内的 ...