From review of the currently available trial evidence, several clinical recommendations for bladder tumor management become apparent. Transurethral resection should be done, but this procedure is ...
In search of a noninvasive, image-based alternative, Sadow et al. investigated whether CT urography can accurately detect bladder cancer in patients at risk for the disease. A total of 838 CT ...
Through a cystoscope, a biopsy can be performed, and, frequently, if a tumor is found, it can be removed entirely ... possibly including x-rays of the kidneys and bladder, ultrasound, and an X-ray ...
may cause findings on a computed tomography (CT) scan, including BTW. If the infection is severe, and the inflammation ...
For patients with interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS), bladder wall thickness (BWT) on computed tomography (CT) scans reflects the severity of bladder inflammatory conditions.
Bladder cancer, like other cancers ... imaging tests like MRIs or CT scans, and biopsies. Your doctor will use this information to plan your treatment. The pathologic stage is something your ...
When you have bladder cancer, blood gets in the urine from a cancerous tumor that starts hemorrhaging. This means a blood vessel in the tumor or near the tumor has burst and is leaking blood into ...
"Which potential bladder preservation ... Should we incorporate ct [circulating tumor] DNA, because the mutations you showed may not be used in clinical practice?" The chemotherapy regimen ...
The poster presentation titled, Impact of Tumor Burden or Focality in Recurrent Low-Grade Intermediate-Risk Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer on Response to Treatment with UGN-102: A Substudy of ...