Narcolepsy type 1, narcolepsy type 2, Klein-Levin syndrome, and idiopathic hypersomnia are all primary hypersomnias. In contrast, the kind of hypersomnia you have with bipolar disorder is often called ...
Think on those things and examine what you sing on Sunday. How you sing and what you think about in the drifting choruses. Examine your worship and tell me is it enough, too much or are we not ...
There’s something about background sound that helps drown out distractions and keeps my mind from wandering too much. When I have music ... but it takes effort — especially when I’m not in a stable ...
Blumenthal is now an ambassador of Bipolar UK after his diagnosis in November 2023 [Barney Cokeliss/PA Media] ...
Though it may be better to have too much than too little, you’ll need to be cautious. Try not to make any drastic sudden changes to your fiber intake. If you feel constipated and want to ...
Last night was the first go-around for the new NBA All-Star Game format and there mixed feelings about the format overall. There were complains of too many breaks and not enough basketball ...
SALT LAKE CITY (KUTV) — It does not seem to be the favorite topic of discussion under the state Capitol dome — the reported layoffs of 100 people at the IRS Center in Ogden. Three Ogden area ...
No, not at all! Why should I be ... Why did the video suddenly appear, and that too from a concert from some months ago in the US or Canada? I want to tell the mischief mongers: the harder ...
It’s almost impossible for the media not ... too much with Trump? That's one of our latest Forum topics, where readers can have their say and express their opinions after hopefully reading all ...
However, more fish oil is not always better, and taking too high a dose can potentially cause negative side effects. This article will cover nine potential side effects of consuming too much fish ...