Google Chrome head criticised Microsoft over the incident The reported search result page appears to have been taken down Microsoft reportedly added a Google-like doodle on the result page ...
Microsoft has come under fire for allegedly redirecting users to a Google-lookalike page when they search for Google. In contrast, other searches continue to display the usual Bing search bar, with ...
If you search on Google Chrome and it keeps redirecting you to, you might have a browser hijacker on your device. This type of malware alters your browser’s settings without your consent. As ...
Now, Bing is hiding the Google search results and placing when you search Bing for the term Google. Plus, Bing is showing a "Promoted by Microsoft" search box. Here is what the search results page ...
Every year I report on how some Google ... who work on Search posted, but they include John Mueller, Gary Illyes, Martin Splitt and others. Plus, Fabrice Canel from Microsoft Bing also posted.