The liver is a multifunctional organ that plays crucial roles in numerous physiological processes, such as production of bile and proteins for blood plasma, regulation of blood levels of amino acids, ...
Additionally, hypothalamic GnRH neurons not only serve as the final output pathway of central control of reproductive axis ... Metabolites of the gut microbiota, including SCFAs and bile acids, are ...
Although gut microbiota and lipid metabolites have been suggested to be closely associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), the interactions between gut microbiota, ...
Objective The bacterial intestinal microbiota plays major roles in human physiology and IBDs. Although some data suggest a role of the fungal microbiota in IBD pathogenesis, the available data are ...
Type 2 diabetes and obesity are intimately linked; reduction of bodyweight improves glycemic control, mortality and morbidity. Treating obesity in the diabetic is hampered as some diabetic ...
5 KU Leuven—University of Leuven, Translational Research in Gastrointestinal Diseases (TARGID), Laboratory of Digestion and Absorption, Leuven, Belgium Correspondence to Professor Jeroen Raes, ...